About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Still No Internet

I know you haven't heard from me in quite a while. First because we were moving, then Mark's illness, the drama and our trip to the states. However, I am still having problems with getting Internet at our new house. We have been without service since May and this is really getting old. I am told that perhaps Monday a new company will come and install service, but at this point I will believe it when I see it.

So for all you followers that think I have abandoned the blog or those who have written and never received an answer, you now know the reason. I plan to be up and running as soon as I have INTERNET!


  1. Thanks 4 update. Was hoping all ok.

  2. Hi there!
    I found your blog while doing research on living in Ecuador and Panama. My husband and I are witnesses living in California, USA. We're trying to gather information on living in a place where necessities would cost a lot (and I mean A LOT) less and where the ministry is productive. We have a 2 year old son to take into consideration. I'm fine with homeschooling him. WE don't mind incoveniences and such are willing to adjust if we can find a way for my husband not to have to work so hard anymore- his job is physically demanding here and we are trying to find a solution that will fill multiple needs/desires. I think the only thing is that we'd like to find something fairly temperate in a mountain region- we'd really like to have farm animals, etc. for some of our food- I came across the name Cotacachi as a mountainous area but don't know much yet. Could I get your input on actual cost of living in a more rural area like this, as long as it's within a reasonable distance from the KH? I'd love to be able to correspond- my email is overallgirl@gmail.com
    Thanks so much! My family blog is www.lifewithnolan.com - thanks!!

  3. Hi Br. and Sis. McClesky,

    My dad helped me find your blog and I have just finished reading it! Thank you so much for sharing all the encouraging experiences Jehovah has blessed you with! I am hoping to spend some time in Ecuador, maybe in a Kichwa-speaking congregation. I have just made plans for my first visit this March-April and I am looking forward to it very much! If you have time, I would love to email with you! My email is tuttleabigail@gmail.com. Please continue to post as you have access to Internet! I love reading your blog!

    Your sister,
    Abigail Tuttle


I really enjoy your comments and hope to hear from all of you even anonymous comments. However, I wish you would include your name to keep it friendlier.