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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dedication of the Assembly Hall Expansion

Saturday we were up at 4:30 a. m. to get ready to make the 3.5 hour trip to Guayaguil. Br. Guy Pierce was going to give the dedication talk for the Assembly Hall expansion and we weren't about to miss it.

We met Ivan, Mimi and Janeth Palacios and caravaned to Guayaquil. It is much safer to go in a group than try to go by yourself. Although, we really never have had any problems, we always feel easier with a group. Arrived about 12:00 p.m. and got a bite to eat. But, the highlight, of course, was the program.

The entire event was lovely, but a highlight I really appreciated was the history of the preaching work in Ecuador which started in 1935. They intereviewed some of the long time missionaries. In fact, the first Gilead Missionaries arrived in 1946. In 1947 the first Ecuadorian was baptized. 1948 12 new missionaries arrived. Some are still in their missionary assignments after 50+ years. What a wonderful example. Believe me, Ecuador 50 years ago was an entirely different place. Not only did they have to put up with the primitive conditions, language and culture, they were up against mob action that was stirred up by the clergy. These brave individuals carved the way for us today. In 1957 the first branch was constructed. The property was 200 meters wide and 2 km long and pure jungle. The brothers had to clear the property with machetes. 1984 the assembly hall construction began. 1987 a dedication. Publishers increased and a need to expand began in 1994 with a rededication. Again, in 2005 there was a 3rd expansion. That brings us up to October 31, 2009 with the redidcation of the assembly hall and new buildings. The assembly hall now has the capicity to seat 5,000.

As I said, the whole program was wonderful. Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos because of our time restraint. Immediately after the program we were on the road again trying to get back to Cuenca. We hit heavy fog, but arrived home safe, happy and spiritually refreshed to keep serving Jehovah whole heartedly.

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