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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ministry of Health Advisory

This pamphlet was distributed in our building and this poster hung in the elevator. It is valuable information about "What you Should Know About the A/H1H1 Virus" (commonly known as Swine Flu) distributed by the Ministry of Health. Actually the information is very helpful and informative. However, I thought this particular page was cute. For those who don't read Spanish or these pictures are too small, I will translate a bit.

"Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially after sneezing and contact with sick persons." Good advice.

"Wash the soap in running water before putting it in the soap dish and/or using liquid soap." Okay.

"Cover your nose and mouth with disposible tissues when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the wastebasket." Good.

"If you don't have tissue (this was the one that made me laugh) use the inside of your elbow." The picture shows a drawing of a child demostrating the method.

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