About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Always Learn Something New

Yesterday, I had the privilege to work in the kitchen at the KH remodel. We were in charge of making a fruit salad for the morning break. I must say that I started out with a bad attitude because when I arrived at the place we were going to cook, no one was prepared to start. (It didn't help that my blood sugar was very low so I'm sure all was blown out of proportion.) I won't go into details, because it is not important. What I want to say, is I got myself so upset that I was crying and called Mark to help me calm down. What I learned from this experience is that it's not a big deal. With all my worry and stress, the snack turned out very well and the brothers appreciated the refreshment. I ended up having a wonderful time with my sisters. I learned that everyone is working hard for Jehovah. My stress only ended up hurting me and no one else. And the work got done anyway. I'm not too old to learn.

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