About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What I Like About Ecuador

Living in a foreign country certainly has its many challenges. At times living day to day with the many cultural differences can be frustrating and the tendency is to start to complain. At least I tend to do that. So, I decided to try to focus on the positive aspects of living here and the reason why Mark and I decided to make the move to Ecuador. Here are some of the things I discovered:

1. The smell of the Eucalyptus trees as I walk by the river. Actually, Cuenca has four rivers running through it so there are a lot of trees and water.

2. The beautiful architecture. Cuenca is a old city with modern conveniences, but the old Spanish Colonial architecture still lingers.

3. The women washing their clothes in the river. I don't know, there's something neat about watching them.

Of course, sometimes the clothes get away from them and end up down stream.

4. The $2.25 lunch that include soup, entree, and juice.
5. The city parks. All around the city there are small city parks. They are appreciated. Every weekend families flock to the parks and play, stroll, and spend time with love ones.
6. The abundance of fruits and vegetables all year long! And they are inexpensive!

7. But, I think the thing I like most is that no matter where you go in Ecuador, the brothers are always preaching. Any why not? The preaching here is wonderful. That is why we love Ecuador and what the focus of our being here should be.

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