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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is Corpus Cristi?

What is Corpus Cristi? A city on the coast of Texas. In latin it means "the body of Christ" and in Cuenca it is a week long regligous holiday. They line the streets around the public square, near the Catedral, with booth after booth of delicious looking pastries. Candies, donuts, cakes, any kind of sweet you can imagine and it looks quite tempting. At night the fireworks fly and they send brown paper bags lit with candles into the night sky and they are quite lovely. I enjoy watching from my bedroom window. In the morning about 5:30 the rockets go off (this I don't enjoy). Even the bees come around and try to get a taste of the goodies. They swarm around the booths. But, does anyone really know what it means or how it got started? Apprently not. I have been going around town asking different locals what exactly is this holiday. No one seems to know. But, everyone loves the treats. Today I was told that the celebration corresponds with the harvest of the indigenious people that worshipped the seasons, sun god and nature. They showed their gratitude by sharing the bounty of their harvest. The Catholic church thought it would be easier to sway the locals to allow them to keep their traditions.

I also talked to a taxi driver that told me that this particular celebration is unique to Cuenca and it is not observed anywhere else in Ecuador. He told me it started out quite innocent to show kindness and mercy to neighbors , friends and family by gifting sweets to one another during this time. The church piped in and decided to go along with the tradition and labeld it "Corpus Cristi" to show its approval. But, greed came into the picture, and different ones decided that you can make money by selling the goods instead of giving them away. The taxi driver was quite disgusted with how the festival evolved into what it is today. Of course, this is just one man's opinion and is a second hand account. But, I thought it was an interesting observation.

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