About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Meet my Spiritual Children

I received wonderful news! My spiritual grandson just got baptized today. It is an amazing event. Jonathan is the son of a bible study named Diana. Diana studied a few years ago and when she started her study her husband left her and took her two boys with him. He then petitioned to court to take custody away from Diana. The only reason he was able to win the case is because he knew the judge and bribed him with money. There was absolutely no evidence at all against Diana. All through this terrible time Diana remained firm and faithful to Jehovah. We shed many tears together about the loss of her sons. Many bibles studies were just crying sessions because that was all Diana could do, but she never missed a study. With time, she was baptized. Soon after she won custody of the boys and they came to live with her. Jonathan, however, was very opposed to learn anything about the truth and was rebellious. Time went on and he was impressed with the friendliness of the local congregation and soon started studying. Today, he symbolized his dedication by water baptism. Once again Diana and I shed tears together, but this time they are tears of joy.
Jonathan, right before he entered the baptismal pool. Here I am with Diana, Jonathan and Diego. My child and grandchildren.

And here I am with my entire family. including Grandpa and Grandma. What a lovely family I have.

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