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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wild Sheep Guard Dog

I had a funny experience today. We worked out in our rural territory trying to finish up the Memorial campaign. I really wasn't expecting to go into the country so I wasn't exactly dressed for the occasion. Anyway, Gloria and I were sent up a country road by ourselves. No problem. I had my handy "doggone" spray that Doug gave me so no worries about the mean dogs. I was ready for the meanest, wildest dog. Walking up a muddy path to get to a house that seemed miles away, Gloria and I come across a sheep tied to a stake. This should be easy. Just walk past the animal and continue going. They usually shy away scared of the stranger. So one would think. This particular sheep was actually a ram and he was not going to let us pass. He actually knocked Gloria with his head and followed us every direction we tried to sneak past. The path was very narrow so there was only one way to go...around the ram. He started butting and making noises and was worse than a guard dog. Good thing he didn't have sharp teeth, because he actually tried to bite. We didn't get past him. We finally gave up and had to turn around and go back. Could he have been a "wolf in sheep clothing?" Maybe. A lesson learned by this city girl. I didn't know they come in mean.

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