About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Anniversary Party

Saturday night we were invited to Pablo and Marianela's anniversary party. Mark and Teresa, can you believe they have been married 6 years? Marianela wanted to surprise Pablo and I made a little video of what went on. Enjoy.

This is an Ecuadorian complete cutlery set. You don't need anything to eat with, except a spoon. You will find one at every dinner. No fork, no knife, just the versatile spoon.

And it didn't matter what we ate with, the food was delicious.

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I really enjoy your comments and hope to hear from all of you even anonymous comments. However, I wish you would include your name to keep it friendlier.