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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Annual Pioneer Meeting

Last night we had our congregation's annual pioneer meeting. How cool is that pioneers in the entire world are having the same meeting this month? There are eleven regular pioneers serving in the Batan Congregation. Two of the three elders serve as pioneers and that is a real blessing for the congregation and the pioneers.
The theme of the meeting had to do with having insight not only in our pioneering, but also in all aspects of our lives. I got tickled thinking about the Spanish word for insight - perspicacia - a five syllable word to translate a two syllable word. And so goes the Spanish language. All of the information was interesting and helpful and gives us impetus to continue on this next year. Although some of the info considered had the pioneers baffled. For instance, talking about showing insight when we face economic problems the outline mentioned that we can save money by walking more in the ministry rather than use our cars. Well, as Beth can attest, we already do that. It won't be hard to continue. For those of us that have cars (the majority don't) the society suggested to work the territory in areas or zones instead of driving all over town. Again, our territory is small and that is not a problem. But, I think that these suggestions will be harder for brothers in more developed countries since the infrastructure demands that they use their cars in all aspects of life.

Here are a couple of photos of the meeting and you can see we have a great variety of pioneers in all ages and ethnic groups.

Here we are all 11 of us.
Mark and Becky McCleskey
Marianela and Pablo Suing
Alejo and Betty Palacios (Betty has more than 50 years pioneering)
Carmen and Cristiana Arevelo
Maria Once (La Cholita)
Marlene ? (I don't know how to spell her name)
Yolanda Cabrerra
Betty, Yolanda and Maria chatting after the meeting.

Marianla and Carmen preparing a little snack after the meeting.

La Merienda Cuencana (The Cuenca Dinner) consists of bread, cheese and tea or cola. We had a treat to get tuna with the bread!

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