About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Friday, December 5, 2008

First day Out

Today was my first real day out in the ministry since my surgery and it was wonderful to be back! And very encouraging. Mark and I went to study with Grecia. Grecia is now baptized and we are finishing up the Worship book. She has two children, Henry and Alex ages 13 and 12 and they also recently got baptized. So, I guess you can say I'm a spiritual grandma. Grecia's husband is working in the States and has been away for nearly 6 years. So it has been hard on the family not to have a husband and father around. But, Grecia is doing a good job with the boys.

Today, she was relating that her sister, Fanny, didn't want anything to do with the witnesses. Avoided them like the plague. But, Grecia recently invited her over for a meal. During the meal and after, both Henry and Alex helped Grecia in the kitchen, preparing the food, and cleaning up. This is totally not done in a Latin culture. Fanny was so impressed with the boys' conduct that she said to Grecia "I want my son to act the way Henry and Alex do. They are so calm and respectful and help out." What is cute about this tale is that Grecia didn't have to say anything. Before she could utter a word, Alex, the younger of the two boys, piped up and said "Tia, it's not hard. All you have to do is study the Bible and teach your children about Jehovah and they will help out too. We do this for Jehovah." Fanny was so impressed with this comment that she began her own study. Out of the mouths of babes.......


  1. Welcome back Becky - beautiful story too - brought a tear to my eye!

  2. I got a little teary too. Thanks for being so encouraging.


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