About Me

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In October, 1997, my husband Mark and I, decided to move to Ecuador. We settled in Cuenca, the third largest city. It is nestled in a valley surrounded by the Andes Mountain range. It has been an amazing aventure.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Infamous Move

We were told by our new landlords that the apartment would be ready on the 21st. So, Mark and I started packing everything like crazy to be ready on time. We called our friends that volunteered to help and lined them all up. We wanted to be moved in and set up this week because Mark has the week off from work and next week we have our CO visit. It seemed to be the perfect time to plan a major move.

Well, guess what? The apartment is still not ready. I'm living in a disarrayed apartment trying not to lose my cool. We are beginning to think the owner is using the apartment to store merchandise for his bike shop (he has 20 bicycles in my living room) and he doesn't want to give up the apartment until the holiday is over. You would think that after 11 years of dealing with this culture and the "ya mismo" mentality that we would be used to it. But, we're not. So here we are twiddling our thumbs and waiting. It's a grand opportunity to work on our "gran paciencia."


  1. Probrecita! (is that how you spell that?) So I guess we won't be coming to your place this week to help you move then? There is only one piece of advice I can give you - "Keep Smiling"
    See you when we see you!
    xxx Beth

  2. Yes. You spelled it correctly. Look at you already spelling Spanish. Thanks for the encouragement. I will let you know when we actually move. Hopefully SOON. :)


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